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''SECURITY: SEnsation or acCURate realITY?''


(Recent or future events...)

DinoSec 15th anniversary in May 2023!

Stay tunned for the upcoming announcements soon...

16-21/SEP/2024SANS "SEC575: Mobile Device Security and Ethical Hacking" Training

Raul Siles
SANS Offensive Operations - Baltimore 2024 (6 days).
Live Online - ET (US) (English)


GuardedBox: Online client-side manager for secure storage and secrets sharing

From DinoSec we are interested in contributing and changing the world with GuardedBox, helping with the protection and sharing of secrets and all kind of sensitive and confidential information.

Throughout the GuardedBox LinkedIn account we have started to publish some technical articles with details from the solution. Follow GuardedBox in LinkedIn to stay up to date with new publications...

These publications reflect, among others, how GuardedBox has obtained during year 2022 the ENS certification, in the HIGH category, the LINCE certification (including the MEC, "Módulo de Especialidades Criptográficas"), and has been included in the CPSTIC catalog by the Centro Criptológico Nacional (CCN) - CCN-STIC 105.

Blog (the origins in April 2020): GuardedBox (ES)
January 2023.

Legal Notice
ENS Categoria ALTA La documentación referente al proyecto GuardedBox está disponible en